Hula: It Isn’t Just for Kids!

hula funRemember when you were a child and your school had hula hoops? Maybe you figured out how to use them around your waist or maybe you simply enjoyed rolling them around. Either way, the amount of fun you could have with just a simple little hoop was unreal. Then, perhaps you grew up. Those hoops were forgotten until that magical day when your child wants a hoop. What you may not realize is that being grown doesn’t mean that we have to forget the hoop. It can be just as fun for adults as it is for kids. It also provides you with an outstanding exercise option that is guaranteed to make you WANT to do it.

The History of Hula Hooping

hoop danceMost people feel that the hula hoop was invented in the 1950s. This is not 100% accurate, though the hoops we see now are a result of their change in the 50s.

The origins of a hula hoop type “toy” date back to around the 14th century according to author Charles Panati. In his research, he discovered that people had developed a fascination with wooden or metal hoops, even then. At that time, it was even used by doctors to treat pain, back dislocations, and heart issues. He also notes that the word “hula” likely comes from the traditional Hawaiian dance in which the same hip movements are used.

Native American’s used hoops in their “Hoop Dance”. This was a way for them to tell stories and the hoops were included as props.

Today’s hula hoop is made of plastic and may sometimes be filled with water or sand. This is a big difference from when it was made of dried grapevines, rattan, willow, and stiff grass. And, even though it isn’t prescribed by modern doctors, you may still reap a lot of health benefits by picking up a hula hoop.

Benefits of Hula Hooping

hula hoopingWhen you pick up a hoop, your body will thank you for it. There are many benefits to twisting your hips to keep the hoop up. These benefits include:

  • Burns Calories: You can burn an average of  165-200 calories by spending 30 minutes with your hula hoop.
  • Improved Balance: Renewing your love of hula can strengthen core muscles and improve your overall balance.
  • Burn Body Fat: Research has been done that proves women can lose up to 3.4cm around the waist and 1.4 cm in the hip area over six weeks.
  • Gets Your Heart Pumping: By using a hoop consistently, you can get your heart pumping. This will ensure that you have more oxygen in your blood and ultimately can help you ward off heart disease, diabetes, and more.
  • Gives Your Body a Workout: Specifically, hula hooping can work out the muscles in your lower body and waist area.

If these reasons aren’t enough to make you consider buying a hoop, we can tell you that you will also enjoy the way your kids and you can play together with a hoop. You can teach them how to use it and enjoy the laughter. You can even take it on vacation with you since it is very inexpensive and portable.

Get Your Hoop On!

Did you know that there are hula festivals and events where people compete to see who is best? It is true. These events are for adults and kids alike. However, if you prefer to keep your hooping ability to yourself, that is okay too. Either way, we are sure you will be happy you gave it another look!


Theme: Overlay by Kaira